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Davie Junk Removal, LLC
We'll provide the helping hands & strong backs for your next project!
What We Take
Some examples listed below:
Household Furniture, Appliances, TV's, Mattresses, Grills, AC Units/Equipment, Patio Furniture, Hot Tubs, Above Ground Pools, Workout Equipment, Bicycles, Shelving, Decks/Patios, Sheds/Outdoor Buildings, Lawncare Equipment, Clothing, Counters, Cabinets, Doors, Windows, Siding, Carpets, Car Parts, Power Tools, Music Equipment, Construction Debris, Concrete, Rock, Asphalt, Lumber, Drywall, Trim, Yard Debris, Trees, Limbs, Gravel, Mulch... & MUCH MORE!
What We Don't Take
Fuels, Solvents, Paints/Paint Thinners, Chemicals, Cleaners, Pesticides, Oils, Asbestos and any other health or environmentally hazardous materials.
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